Sippewissett Association
Sippewissett Association

Organizations Receiving Financial Support

Association to Preserve Cape Cod is an environmental education, advocate and watchdog organization for Cape Cod.


Buzzards Bay Coalition is an organization dedicated to the restoration, protection and sustainable use and enjoyment of Buzzards Bay and its watershed. Volunteers from Sippewissett Association serve as 'Baywatchers', helping to monitor the health of harbors and coves in the Bay.


FWS (Falmouth Water Stewards) educates and inspires property owners to help preserve the environment and natural resources of the estuaries and salt ponds of Falmouth, Massachusetts.


Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries is a non-profit privately administered corporation dedicated to conserving the natural resources of The Town of Falmouth, Massachusetts.


The 300 Committee is a private non-profit land trust dedicated to protecting and preserving open space for the citizens of Falmouth, Massachusetts.


The NECWA (New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance) combines educational outreach with research and conservation activities to protect and rescue marine wildlife in the coastal waters of New England. 

Additional Links

Beebe Woods Management Plan is a report for the Town of Falmouth that reviews the status of Beebe Woods and recommends a management plan for the future.


Falmouth Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is a report that has been developed for the entire Town with the goal of identifying natural hazards and 'providing sustained actions to reduce or eliminate risk to human life and property damage from a natural hazard event.'


The Future of Falmouth's Buzzards Bay Shore is a report for the Town of Falmouth Board of Selectmen produced by the Coastal Resources Working Group and presented in November 2010. It '..explores reasons for the current condition of the (Buzzards Bay) coastal zone and provides future scenarios for the coastal zone..'. Michael Eder provided further information about coastal armoring in the summer of 2014 - click here


Who Can Go Where Along The Seashore is the summary of a talk given by Robert Mangiaratti, Esq. at the 2012 Sippewissett Association Annual Meeting.


Buzzards Bay Project National Estuary Program has as its mission the protection and restoration of water quality and living resources in Buzzards Bay and itgs surrounding watershed, specifically through the implementation of the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.


Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management supports a variety of initiatives that promote public access to the coast.


Cape Cod Commission is the regional land-use planning and regulatory agency for Barnstable County.

News and Events


The 2025 "Almost Spring Social" will be held on Sunday, March 23rd at the Cape Codder Clubhouse from 2:00 - 4:00 pm.  

The Sippewissett Association Annual Meeting will take place on Saturday, June 28th - time and location to be determined (check back for details).

New members welcome!



Want to Contact Us?

Sippewissett Association

P.O. Box 501

Falmouth, MA 02541


Additional contact information

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